Posy Ring He that gave this gives him life



Bands such as this one take their name, Posy Rings, from the inscriptions inside them known as "posies," from the French word for poem - poésie. These short, often-rhymed verses were influenced by literary exercises popular in Elizabethan England.  These rings were inscribed on the interior of the bands so that only the wearer (and giver) would know what was written - expressions of love, fidelity, and friendship. Some, as with the present ring, include more idiosyncratic messages.

Fairly broad hoop, rationally, width to circumference. The flat interior features the engraved, italic inscription "He · that · gave · this · gives · him · life" (v's in "gave" and "give" resemble M and N, respectively). Rounded exterior. The ring is in good condition, with some damage on the rims and some areas of possible repair.


Les Enluminures offers a number of Posy Rings that include, as this one, rare inscriptions. The verse here has not been recorded in any studies or collections of Posy Rings. The syntax of this sentiment suggests that it is a variation on Biblical scripture. For a catalog of verses see Evans, 1931; for general information on rings see Scarisbrick, Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty. London: 2007.


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