Podcast - Episode 48: Enameling Techniques

April 15, 2022

With an effect like melted glass, enamel work creates stunning, colorful outcomes on sculptures, enlivening their surfaces. Today, we take a look at the history and various technical processes of enameling. Covering cloisonné, champlevé, and enamel in ronde-bosse, we also examine works in the Les Enluminures collection which demonstrate these varied enameling techniques, including works by Castellani, Baroque rings, and Giuliano’s painted enamel. 


Les Enluminures Castellani Quatrefoil Brooch https://www.lesenluminures.com/artworks/categories/1/9840-quatrefoil-brooch-rome-c.-1860/ 
Castellani Brooch at the British Museum https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1978-1002-407 

Heart-Shaped Pendant with Cherub by Guliano  https://www.lesenluminures.com/artworks/categories/1/9849-heart-shaped-pendant-with-cherub-england-london-c.-1880/ 
Love Ring with Bow and Flowers https://www.lesenluminures.com/artworks/categories/1/9702-love-ring-with-bow-and-flowers-c.-1650-1680/